EPA Completes CIPC Reassessment

Published online: Aug 23, 2002
Viewed 2695 time(s)
Web Exclusive
A tolerance reassessment for CIPC has been completed, the EPA announced last week.

According to the Chlorpropham Task Force, the EPA has assessed the risks of CIPC and will soon report in the Federal Register on the FQPA Tolerance Reassessment Decision.

The EPA completed the CIPC re-registration Eligibility Decision prior to the 1996 enactment of the FQPA; therefore, while no re-registration decision is required, risks from non-occupational exposure to CIPC through food, drinking water and residential uses had to be reassessed.

There are no residential uses of CIPC. The EPA has reassessed the tolerances for CIPC and determined that residues in food and drinking water are not expected to pose risk concerns.

As a result of the reviews, the EPA conducted during the TRED process, the EPA has asked registrants to generate additional data. The Task Force, made up of Aceto Agricultural Chemicals Corporation and DECCO/Cerexagri Inc. will work with the EPA to address these issues in support of the potato industry.

The Federal Register notice (which will be put on the Internet) is expected to announce that the tolerance for CIPC on potatoes will be reduced from 50 to 30 parts per million. It will also announce the beginning of a 30-day public comment period.