Published online: Jul 08, 2009
Viewed 2066 time(s)
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Summer is the best time to pick up healthy habits, but so many people fall off the bandwagon come fall. The Idaho Potato Commission wants to help potato fans stay on track with tips for exercising healthy lifestyle habits all year long.
With enhanced download instructions, installing Dishin' Nutrition With Denise Austin from www.IdahoPotato.com/widget is easier than ever before. The "Widget Support" section provides detailed, but not daunting, steps for installing the widget on your desktop, email, RSS, blog, website or social network profile. The content has also been "recharged" with more unique and informative nutrition and fitness tips that will motivate you to stay fit all year. The personal lifestyle tool also includes recipes from the popular "Watching Waistlines and Wallets" page on the IPC website that are specifically calculated for those watching their waistlines and their wallets.
A sampling of the tips and recipes include:
-In a recent study of workers conducted by Careerbuilder.com, 10 percent claim they are snacking more (and gaining weight) because of stress due to the current economic environment. If you feel the urge to snack, chew a piece of gum, drink a glass of water or take a five-minute walk around the building.
-Let vacation enhance your healthy lifestyle, not hinder it...
-Explore the area by walking, biking or hiking
-Bond with your travel companions by sharing large portions and desserts
-Be conscious of the number of calories you are eating every day---they do add up! 
-Treat your family to breakfast in bed Sunday morning with a Mashed Idaho Potato Omelet. Add side of whole wheat toast and fresh fruit and your family will be full until noon. Not to mention how appreciative they'll be of you!
At a time when consumers are pinching pennies, including Idahor Potatoes in your diet is a great way to cook up affordable meals that give you the most nutritional return on investment. In fact, one Idahor Potato costs around $.25 has only 110 calories, contains zero fat and zero cholesterol. Each 5.3 oz spud contains 45 % daily value of vitamin C, nearly two times as much potassium as a banana, fiber, protein, vitamin B6 and complex carbohydrates, which are essential for anyone on the go.