Pesticides Buyer's Guide

Published in the May 2015 Issue Published online: May 30, 2015
Viewed 4816 time(s)

Bayer CropScience


Sivanto precisely targets key damaging pests at multiple insect life stages—delivering rapid knockdown of sucking pests while helping safeguard beneficial insects—to prevent damage to plants and help minimize the spread of diseases from insect carriers. With flexible application timings and compatibility with many beneficial insects and predatory mites, Sivanto works safely, effectively and precisely to preserve the overall health of plants and protect growers’ investment in their crops.

The discovery of Sivanto was primarily inspired by the natural compound stemofoline, a derivative from the plant Stemona japonica. Sivanto is the first member of a new chemical class of insecticides, the butenolides (newly created IRAC subgroup 4D) and has shown excellent control of neonicotinoid-resistant aphids and whiteflies in U.S. field trials. It is registered on a broad range of horticulture crops and most broadacre crops, including citrus, pome fruit, grapes, bush berries, tree nuts (not including almonds), potatoes, vegetables, alfalfa, cotton, sorghum and several specialty crops (such as blueberry and clover from IR-4), which allows for inclusive and flexible crop rotation programs. 

Sivanto can be applied as a foliar spray or as a soil drench, shank or drip application, depending on the crop, allowing growers maximum flexibility with their crop protection tools. More information on application methods for each crop is included in the product label.  

Contact Bayer CropScience at or


ADAMA Agricultural Solutions

(866) 406-6262

Nimitz Nematicide

Nimitz, a revolutionary product, delivers an unmatched combination of efficacy, simplicity and safety for control of plant-parasitic nematodes on commercial vegetables. As a truer, more complete contact nematicide, Nimitz fills a void in the absence of methyl bromide.

Nimitz represents the first new chemical nematicide to be introduced in more than 20 years. Nimitz is a contact nematicide, not a fumigant. Because of its residual activity, Nimitz’s control of nematodes often exceeds the commercial standards. In contrast to fumigant nematicides, Nimitz simplifies nematode management by lessening complex handling practices and application restrictions. The result is no fumigant management plans, no 24-hour field monitoring, no buffer zones, no re-entry interval, no specialized equipment and minimal personal protective equipment.

As a non-gas formulation, the active ingredient in Nimitz is distributed through the soil and into contact with nematodes through irrigation or rainfall. Unlike older chemistries, there is no mandatory tarping or specialized machinery requirement. Applications may include broadcast or banding with mechanical incorporation or through drip-injection. As a “true nematicide,” Nimitz causes irreversible nematicidal activity which results in pest mortality within 48 hours of application. As a result, growers who use Nimitz see greatly improved root health all season, which leads to yield enhancement.  

FMC Agricultural Solutions

The potato portfolio from FMC Agricultural Solutions includes a full range of products to protect growers’ crops and enhance yield and quality.

At-plant insecticide Capture LFR controls key soil pests such as wireworms to improve overall plant health.

Beleaf, Brigadier and Gladiator insecticides control a broad spectrum of foliar insect pests including aphids and potato psyllids.

Athena insecticide/miticide knocks down Colorado potato beetles, aphids, mites and other key pests throughout the season.

Athena, Brigadier, Capture LFR and Gladiator are restricted-use pesticides. Capture LFR is not registered for sale or use in California

Oro Agri Inc.

Prev-Am Ultra

Prev-Am Ultra a three-in-one insecticide, fungicide and miticide that controls many of the insects and diseases infesting potatoes including psyllids, aphids and powdery mildew. It is a contact pesticide that can be applied throughout the season without danger of resistance buildup and is perfect for controlling pre-harvest insect and disease infestations. With a short REI and PHI, Prev-Am is a versatile alternative to conventional pesticides and is ideally suited for IPM and sustainable farming practices.

The desiccating properties of Prev-Am provide contact control resulting in a quick knockdown of insects and mites, typically within two to 24 hours. The water-repellent layer protecting most insects loses its effectiveness when contacted by a Prev-Am application. This allows the active ingredient to penetrate and destroy the soft, living tissues underneath. The insects/mites are then exposed to the loss of body fluids, causing death. Flying insects experience loss of the protective coverings and tension in the wings, making them unable to fly. An additional effect on some insects/mites is the penetration of the ultra-low surface tension fluid of Prev-Am into the respiratory organs, causing internal suffocation.

As a fungicide, the Prev-Am spray solution wets the protective membranes of the superficial fungal mycelia and spores, allowing the active ingredient to penetrate and destroy the living tissues underneath. This exposes the organism to the drying effect of the atmosphere and causes collapse within two to 24 hours. Plant tissue damaged by the fungus may also dry out and prevent further spread of infection, but healthy tissue is not affected at the recommended application rate.

Certis USA


PFR-97 is an excellent knockdown and control material for mites as well as aphids, whiteflies, thrips and potato psyllids that vector the zebra chip bacteria. PFR-97 offers benefits not typically available in a miticide. It effectively controls every life cycle of the pest, including the eggs, making it extremely flexible and easy to use. Most current miticides have long pre-harvest intervals; PFR-97 doesn’t. Growers can apply it one night and harvest the next day. PFR-97 is an excellent fit for growers of conventional or organic crops. It is OMRI listed and NOP-approved. PFR-97 is residue exempt and has a four-hour REI


Seduce spinosad insecticidal bait offers fast-acting control of ants and other soil-dwelling insects such as cutworms and earwigs. It is derived from a naturally occurring bacterium found in soil. Seduce is available in patented, highly compressed pellets (shorts) that are ultraviolet- and rain-resistant. The dry terra-cotta colored pellets are easy to accurately apply, unlike some sticky baits that can be more troublesome. Seduce has a four-hour REI and zero-day PHI. It is OMRI listed and NOP-approved, so it can be used in organic production as well as conventional farming.

BioSafe Systems

(888) 273-3088


HOLDit from BioSafe Systems can be used in conjunction with a pesticide or fungicide in the field to create a residual for increased contact and kill time. HOLDit will also act as a drift retardant. The ability of HOLDit to attach to the active ingredient and allow it to stick to the intended target will provide growers with an increased level of product efficacy. In storage, HOLDit will allow more even fungicide coverage for improved storage life.


Strike is one of the most effective soil fumigants used to manage soil-borne fungal pathogens in potatoes. This pre-plant soil treatment is an important component of a successful pest management system. It can be applied alone or in combination with other fumigants via shank injection or as an emulsified concentrate through drip irrigation systems.

Studies show that fumigation with chloropicrin-based products such as Strike generally increase crop health, marketable yield and crop quality. Strike products help grow a cleaner, greener, improved crop. In some instances they have even reduced the amount of post-plant fertilizers and pesticides applied. Strike additionally works to increase irrigation efficiency, as roots grown in treated soil are better developed and therefore more extensive. All of these factors have a significant influence on tuber production as well as targeting common scab and controlling verticillium wilt, improving tuber quality and increasing marketable yield. 

Sym-Agro Inc.


Employ is a biochemical pesticide that triggers a systemic plant health response. The Harpin protein active ingredient binds to receptors on the plant. These receptors respond to Harpin and initiate an“inside-out plant response” that turns on a plant’s own intrinsic growth and stress-defense capabilities. Employ is a highly effective and environmentally sound tool to improve yields and regulate overall plant health.

Harpin aβ, the active ingredient in Employ, accelerates plant development. This includes specific effects on cell growth and plant development genes—such as those involved in cell wall expansion and modification, cell elongation, protein and sugar transport, and increased root and shoot biomass—that induce plant growth effects and suppress nematode egg production

Extensive field testing and commercial use has demonstrated the key benefits of Harpin aβ on potatoes such as increased tuber size, more uniform tubers and larger total gross yield. Employ has also been shown to reduce storage loss by 50 percent and improve tuber quality. 

Bio Huma Netics Inc.

(800) 961-1220

Huma Gro Pro-Max

Huma Gro Pro-Max is a soil-applied preventive and curative fungicide/bactericide and nematicide that controls harmful soil-borne diseases (powdery mildew, rust, anthracnose, Pythium root rot, Fusarium root and crown rot) and plant parasitic nematodes (root knot meloidogyne incognita, spiral Helicotylenchus, lesion Pratylenchus, lance Hoplolaimus galeatus, ring Criconemella xenoplax , cyst Heterodera glycines, Rotylenchus robustus, Tylenchorhynchus and more). Additionally, Pro-Max enhances activities of beneficial microbes that are detrimental to diseases and nematodes. It also improves root growth without the risk of burn and, as a result, reduces susceptibility to secondary root infection. Pro-Max can be applied at any time, up to and including the day of harvest. Pro-Max is OMRI Listed for organic use.

Huma Gro Proud 3

Huma Gro Proud 3 is a foliar-applied broad-spectrum formulation with three modes of action: contact killer, irritant/repellant, and locally systemic. It can correct up to 99.9 percent of the problems that arise resulting from infestation of fungi and bacteria (Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Botrytis cinerea, Peronospora cubensis, Oidium and others), and is an effective miticide and insecticide for soft-bodied insects such as thrips, white fly, aphid and leaf miner. Apply Proud 3 when the disease or pest is first observed or as a preventive. Proud 3 is OMRI listed for organic use.