New Product: Max Systems NanoZyme 2.0, Nano Brown Sugar

Published online: Jun 02, 2017 Fertilizer, New Products
Viewed 4888 time(s)

Used individually, NanoZyme 2.0 and Nano Brown Sugar from Max Systems provide plants with balanced minerals and nutrients that fertilizer alone can’t supply. However, when used together in water or with other foliar formulations, the combination literally gives a crop the resources it needs to excel.

Used at rates of 12.8 to 32 ounces per acre, NanoZyme 2.0 provides plants with a blend of molasses, soluble seaweed extract and sulfate of potash to provide a rich nutrient source, feed deep roots and provide beneficial microbes for healthier plant growth. At the same time, Leonardite 60 to 75 percent humic acid in the formula helps balance soil pH and eliminate soil compaction for increased nutrient and fertilizer uptake.

For even better plant performance, Chris Schlegel, founder of Max Systems, recommends the addition of one gallon per 20 acres of Nano Brown Sugar. As the name implies, the formulation contains nano-sized brown sugar particles that are easily absorbed to provide the plant with instant nutrition and energy, along with a higher level of glucose.

“Like NanoZyme 2.0, it contains a percentage of humic acid to help increase absorption of essential minerals,” says Schlegel. “Containing 2.5 percent molybdenum, it also increases microbial activity in the soil. The best part is both NanoZyme 2.0 and Nano Brown Sugar provide a tremendous return on investment, while fitting in with [a grower’s] current foliar program, whether it’s combined with a herbicide application, fungicide pass or side-dress fertilizer.”

Contact Max Systems LLC at (302) 979-5121 or