Bayer’s Gem Fungicide Approved

Published online: Apr 12, 2002
Viewed 2412 time(s)
Web Exclusive
Bayer Corporation of Kansas City, MO, just received registration of its new GEM fungicide by the EPA.

The fungicide will help growers control early blight in potatoes and cercospora leaf spot and powdery mildew in sugarbeets.

Gem is a broad-spectrum foliar compound that contains unique “locked-in” activity.

Rick Kraus, fungicide marketing manager said that what sets GEM apart from other fungicides are the benefits of the “locked-in” activity. They include stronger preventative power; longer lasting, sustained disease control; excellent rainfastness within two hours; improved protection within the crop canopy and better protection of treated tissue.

It is designated as a reduced-risk pesticide that offers superior control of the primary foliar diseases affecting sugarbeets and potatoes. A fungal respiration inhibitor with strong preventive activity, it inhibits spore germination and formation during early infection stages. Its primary activity is on the surface of the plant, making it an ideal control method for foliar diseases.

It is packaged in an easy-to-handle dry-flowable formulation. It will be a good fit for resistance-management programs.