Growers Win One, Lose One

Published online: Apr 17, 2002
Viewed 2235 time(s)
Web Exclusive
Potato growers learned April 16 that the EPA had given an interim registration eligibility document for Monitor. At the same time, they learned that Headline, BASF’s new fungicide will not be available this season.

Monitor (methamidosphos), one of the most important insecticides growers use to control Green peach aphids and other insects, will be re-registered for potatoes upon conclusion of several procedural steps.

According to the USDA/NASS the product has been used on 332,000 to 514,000 acres annually from 1994 to 1997. Use of the product appears relatively stable with 23-36 percent of potatoes receiving one or more applications.

Control of the aphid, which vectors leaf roll virus, is critical so growers can avoid net necrosis in their tubers.

The National Potato Council worked with registrant Bayer over several years to develop label requirements that would allow continued use of the product.

Headline is BASF’s answer for superior control of early blight and good control of late blight. With its active ingredient F 500, the company was expecting registration to cover 100 crops and 49 diseases. The EPA has classified it as a reduced-risk product.

Delayed registration of the fungicide was believed to have been procedural, as a joint United States/Canadian registration was being sought. It should be available for the 2003 season, with much of the groundwork already laid.