New mobile technology such as iPads have emerged as useful tools in agriculture applications. At the recent InfoAg Conference a company called PrecisionEarth launched an application for the iPad that collects and stores soil sampling data. Also called PrecisionEarth, the application utilizes the iPad's large screen and touch interface to deliver an easy-to-use data collection platform.
The PrecisionEarth iPad soil sampling app allows the user to create and manage grower and field databases, and delivers the following capabilities:
Loading, collecting and exporting boundaries as Shapefile vectors;
Loading, managing and displaying user background imagery and maps;
Loading and displaying height colorized elevation;
Creating and aligning user-defined, custom-sized sample grids;
Soil sampling with user-defined grid or free form;
Collecting and exporting actual GPS sample locations as Shapefile vectors.
PrecisionEarth is self-contained so the user can go where 3G or Wi-Fi networks do not exist. The data is pre-loaded onto the iPad before field work is performed, and changes can be saved upon return to the office. PrecisionEarth is available at the Apple iTunes App store at a cost of $250 per user.