Valley GPS Now Compatible w/ Trimble & Starfire

Published in the November 2011 Issue Published online: Nov 03, 2011
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VALLEY, Neb.-Valley Irrigation, the Leader in Precision Irrigation, has expanded its Valley GPS product line. Valley GPS Guidance for corners and linear irrigation equipment is now compatible with both John Deere Starfire and Trimble GPS products.

"We have been very pleased by the popularity of Valley GPS Guidance for corners and linear irrigation equipment," says Scott Mauseth, Valley Irrigation Advanced Technology Product Manager. "Being compatible with both John Deere GPS and Trimble GPS base stations means even more growers can take advantage of the Valley GPS Guidance for their irrigation equipment. Compatibility with the GPS systems growers already use on their tractors and combines significantly lowers the costs associated with implementing GPS Guidance for their irrigation equipment."

The Valley brand is recognized worldwide as a leader in sales, service, quality and innovation, and has been recognized as such since Valmont founded the mechanized irrigation industry in 1954. With historical sales of more than 175,000 center pivots and linears, Valmont-built equipment annually irrigates about 17 million acres (6.9 million hectares) around the world. The Nebraska-based company remains dedicated to providing innovative solutions now and well into the future.

Contact your local Valley dealer.