DDQ Micronutrients Wolf Trax

Published in the March 2012 Issue Published online: Mar 05, 2012
Viewed 2168 time(s)


(204) 237-9653

Wolf Trax Innovative MicronutrientsDDP Micronutrients represent a significant innovation in micronutrient technology with benefits to producers. The proprietary DDP (Dry Dispersible Powder) Micronutrient technology can be soil-applied as a fertilizer coating, or applied in a foliar or liquid fertilizer application.

When blended with dry fertilizer, DDP Micronutrients coat each and every dry fertilizer prill for more consistent fertilizer blends, even distribution across the field, better access for growing seedlings and earlier plant uptake. The patented Dual Action Formulation delivers immediate availability, as well as extended feeding for more effective uptake. Foliar applications can be timed conveniently to take advantage of other passes over the field.