Double L

9500 Series Planter

Published in the March 2012 Issue Published online: Mar 05, 2012
Viewed 3492 time(s)

(800) 658-5085

Double L 9500 Series planterThe 9500 series planters by Double L have seen a refresh in design for 2011. The most noticeable difference is the pull-type design. The new frame allows for trailing-style steering that is GPS-ready. Double L has led the industry with their One-Pass planter option, featuring a trailing cultivator. Aside form the obvious fuel savings of planting and cultivating simultaneously; seed piece disturbance and soil compaction are minimized.

Constantly improving their offerings, Double L has redesigned the hydraulics, valve system, and electronic controls in conjunction with Bosch-Rexroth. The brand new controller features a clean, colorful, and intuitive user interface that also integrates fertilizer controls.

The 9500 series planter is still offered in a 3-point hitch design.