
Bed Planters

Published in the March 2012 Issue Published online: Mar 05, 2012 Tyler J. Baum, Editor
Viewed 5845 time(s)

(208) 785-0480


Spudnik Bed PlanterOver the past 10 years, Spudnik has been providing the industry with planters that have become known for their consistent and accurate seed placement. Initially conventional four-, six- and eight-row models were offered and more recently have introduced bed planters in five-, six-, seven- and nine-row units. Spudnik has worked hard to develop a planter that is easy to use, reliable and is easy to maintain and service.

In 2008, the first bed planters were produced, and that segment of the market continues to grow each year. In 2010, an in-depth evaluation of the Spudnik Bed Planter was performed in southern Alberta, and initial findings indicate that soil water content in the beds increased about 10 percent over conventional hills. In addition, the research found that both the total and marketable yields increased significantly in beds compared to hills.

In 2010, a single-pass hitch for the planter was developed that allows any three-point, hitch-mounted cultivator to be pulled behind the planter at planting, reducing time and fuel costs by planting and cultivating in a single pass. Looking to the future, Spudnik is taking advantage of technology available in controls and user interfaces and is working on simpler, graphical touch-screen controllers to simplify planter operation.