Published in the May 2012 Issue Published online: May 10, 2012 Tyler J. Baum, Editor
Viewed 2701 time(s)

Regent InsecticideREGENT: Regent insecticide offers superior seed safety and excellent protection from the most troublesome pests. At the heart of Regent is the active ingredient fipronil, which is currently registered for the control of more than 200 insect pests. Fipronil has set high standards with its solid track record of effective pest control and superior seed safety.

Regent 4SC insecticide provides excellent season-long performance as an at-plant treatment. Its low application rate makes it easy and convenient to apply, and it makes an excellent tank-mix partner for other products.

Regent also ensures a premium level of seed safety that does not harm seed germination or viability while promoting vigorous plant growth, resulting in better stands and higher yields. Seed treated with Regent show better emergence than untreated seed or seed treated with only a fungicidal seed treatment.