Proud to be Idaho

A commercial unlike any other we've produced

Published in the November 2012 Issue Published online: Nov 12, 2012 Frank Muir, IPC President
Viewed 3078 time(s)

It's become tradition for the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) to launch a new commercial every year during the potato harvest and this year isn't any different-except for the commercial. It's unlike anything we've ever produced before.

The Great Big Idaho Potato Truck has proven to be one of the most ambitious and successful initiatives in the IPC's 75-year history, and we couldn't be prouder. In fact, we're so proud we've decided to feature it in our new television ad. Whether you are one of the millions of folks who had an opportunity to see the truck when it traveled across the country this year or you're waiting to see it when it hits the road again next summer, this new commercial appeals to everyone. It's fun and energetic and captures the heart and soul of the tour and the Idaho potato brand.

The commercial is narrated by Mark Coombs, a real Idaho potato grower and a former Idaho Potato Commissioner. In the commercial, Mark is standing in his family-owned field in Caldwell, Idaho, sincerely requesting help in finding the Great Big Idaho Potato Truck that left Idaho months ago on a cross-country tour to celebrate the IPC's 75th anniversary. While Mark is talking, shots from the truck's tour, which include the six-ton potato speeding past skyscrapers, crossing busy highways and entertaining cheering fans, make it clear that the team traveling with the truck and everyone who encounters the world's largest potato on wheels are thoroughly enjoying it!

Two versions of the commercial will air-one highlights the truck's journey and the other focuses on the fun-loving Tater Team.

The commercial made its debut on ESPN during Boise State University's (BSU) first game of the year against Michigan State University on Aug. 31. It began airing nationally on popular cable stations like CNN, Fox News, Food Network, HGTV and Headline News the week of October 22nd and will run through early 2013.

We will continue to work with our longtime spokesperson, fitness guru Denise Austin. As she has done for the past nine years, Denise will remind consumers of the importance of eating a balanced diet that includes nutrient-dense, carbohydrate-rich foods like Idaho potatoes. She will help us promote a heart-healthy recipe contest in February and record a radio public service announcement that will encourage folks to eat healthy and be active. She will also remain a committed partner by regularly posting positive messages about Idaho potatoes on her Facebook and Twitter pages.

If you would like to see the new commercial, it is available on Visit

I hope you enjoy the new commercial!