Published online: Dec 26, 2012 Potato Harvesting, Herbicide, Irrigation, Fertilizer, Insecticide, Fungicide, Potato Equipment
Viewed 2209 time(s)
Web Exclusive

GREENSBORO, N.C.-Agriculture is no ordinary business. People in other industries may spend their days in front of a computer, but not the folks who make their living from the soil. That's what makes the latest innovations in mobile technology particularly suited to this traditional profession.


Studies show that ag professionals in general have a stronger-than-average appetite for mobile devices. In a recent Successful Farming survey, 94 percent of respondents said they had a cell phone-11 percent more than the general public.


In keeping with the trend, ag companies are upping their mobile offerings to provide more resources. Syngenta recently re-launched the mobile version of its FarmAssist ( website to provide a better user experience that allows visitors to navigate through information more easily.


Like the website, the mobile version is a one-stop resource offering timely agricultural news and ag market commentary, local weather, product information and labels, agricultural commodity prices, crop yield, planting calculators and more. 


"Our partnership with Greenbook Data Solutions, a provider of plant protection chemical data, permits users to access the most complete, current crop protection product-label information in an easy-to-read format," said Anthony Transou, Syngenta Internet marketing manager.


Recent upgrades include the addition of product rates, worker safety recommendations and restricted-entry intervals (REI) data. Users also can access local updates on pests and more detailed product information specific to their areas.


To access the mobile version of, go to on a mobile device. The site is free to use and compatible with any mobile device with wireless web service.