Gorman Micro-Vent Vision Control Panel

Published in the December 2012 Issue Published online: Dec 08, 2012
Viewed 2783 time(s)

Micro-vent Vision PanelThe biggest visible feature of the Micro-vent Vision Panel is the 10-inch, vibrant, touch-screen interface, enabling users to see and manage their information in a more convenient way. Multi-bin control enables the user to see all their bins on one screen. With the touch-screen display, all pertinent data for specific settings can be viewed in one place instead of different screens. Easy-to-find tabs allow the user to move almost effortlessly through all features of the system.

The Micro-vent Vision is a browser-based system, compatible with all major browser types. The new panel functions with unsurpassed reliability, controlling temperatures within one-tenth of a degree. CO2 purge control by clock or sensor, automatic variable-speed fan control, refrigeration, heater and humidity control are all included and available at the touch of the screen.

Micro-vent Vision panels are also "internet ready," enabling users with internet to monitor and control their system from anywhere, with any device. Tablets, smart phones or computers can be synced with your panel for the ultimate flexibility with the system. Recorded temperatures, sensor readings and events can be easily graphed and downloaded onto a computer right from the panel.

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