New Rabo AgriFinance Interactive App

Published in the December 2012 Issue Published online: Dec 07, 2012
Viewed 2391 time(s)

Rabo AgriFinanceST. LOUIS-Rabo AgriFinance has launched a new interactive mobile application for the iPad, to provide valuable financing information and enable growers to make informed seed purchasing decisions. The app is targeted to vendor finance customers of Rabo AgriFinance, which includes input manufacturers, ag retailers and producers, and can be downloaded from the iTunes store.

There is also a function that allows users to save the calculator financing scenarios for future credit application submittal. The application has two interactive videos, providing more information on Rabo AgriFinance and the Rabobank Group, and a number of Food & Agribusiness Research (FAR) reports. Once downloaded to the iPad, the application is fully functional even without the availability of an internet connection.

The app is free of charge, and can be downloaded anytime to an iPad through the iTunes store.
