New Yerecic Label Website

Published in the December 2012 Issue Published online: Dec 07, 2012
Viewed 2951 time(s)

Yerecic Label WebsiteNEW KENSINGTON, Penn.-One of the nation's leading on-pack label manufacturers, Yerecic Label, launches a new website to specifically address the fresh produce industry.

The website,, allows produce packers and retailers to see the benefits Yerecic Label can bring to produce packaging. With over 40 years of experience in the labeling industry and a focus on lean manufacturing, Yerecic Label continues to invest in consumer research to provide proven results to get fresh products into the customer's cart.

The new website showcases produce labels that inspire the consumer at the point of purchase including recipes, HD graphics and usage and storage information. Visitors can request a copy of the consumer research and learn more about consumer preferences via Also featured on is a new label line called YerecicGreen. The Yerecic Green line helps reduce landfill, reuse resources and decrease a product's life cycle impact without compromising quality or appearance.
