Idaho Unusable Pesticide Disposal Program Fall 2013 Collection Dates, Locations

ISDA will dispose first 1,000 pounds for free

Published online: Sep 06, 2013 Herbicide, Insecticide, Fungicide
Viewed 3813 time(s)
Web Exclusive

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) is preparing for unusable pesticide collection throughout the state this fall.

Since 1993, when the Pesticide Disposal Program (PDP) began, it has safely disposed of over 1.3 million pounds of unusable pesticides. This program is specifically designed with the agricultural pesticide user in mind; however, ISDA accepts pesticides from virtually all sources including farmers, homeowners, pesticide applicators, researchers and pesticide dealers.

The agency includes herbicides, rodenticides, fungicides, insecticides and all other "icides" in its definition of pesticides but is unable to accept fertilizers, motor oil, antifreeze, paint or similar waste at these pesticide collections. There is no cost to the participant for the first 1,000 pounds of pesticides collected.

ISDA is asking growers and other PDP participants for their assistance in promoting the program to other pesticide users in their respective areas.

The department is not concerned with who has what pesticide. This program is a service provided by the ISDA to prevent possible contamination of the environment and to avoid potential human and animal health exposure to these unusable pesticides. Pre-notification of the total pounds of pesticides being brought to each local collection is requested. To notify ISDA, phone your local ISDA field office. It is required of all participants to sign a release transferring the ownership of the pesticides to the ISDA in accordance with ISDA rules.

It is the responsibility of the participant to follow all federal and state laws and rules pertaining to the transportation of these materials and to over-pack all torn or leaky containers to prevent a release of the product into the environment during transportation.

ISDA staff will be available to provide assistance in over-packing torn or leaking containers. If you need assistance, please contact the ISDA as soon as possible.

ISDA staff is available to answer any questions about these collections. You may contact the Boise office at (208) 332-8605, or PDP program manager Victor Mason at (208) 332-8628 or

You may call your local ISDA office:

  • Idaho Falls office: Craig Carlson (208) 525-7037 or Sabrina Lear (208) 525-7071
  • Pocatello office: Steve Riedy (208) 236-6091 or Ken Funk (208) 236-6352
  • Twin Falls office: Randy Quigley (208) 736-5277, Jim Childs (208) 736-4790 or Westy Pickup (208) 736-4759

The Empty Plastic Pesticide Container Recycling Program (CROP) is a unique program that is intended to recycle high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic, crop protection chemical containers and non-agricultural chemical containers that have been thoroughly cleaned. This prevents other less desirable or illegal methods of disposal. CROP was started in 1994 and has recycled close to 2.5 million pesticide containers. The CROP program is asking you to participate in this free service by submitting your empty agricultural chemical containers that have been thoroughly rinsed.

At this year's unusable pesticide collections, the mobile recycler will be there assisting with containers. Recycling will be conducted during normal collection operational times.

If you would like to schedule a time to have your clean and empty pesticide containers recycled, or would just like to know more about the program, please call the representative for your area:

  • Southwest Idaho and Magic Valley: Gary King (208) 332-8603
  • North Idaho: Harley Stallcop (208) 743-0415
  • Eastern Idaho and Magic Valley: Sabrina Lear (208) 525-7071
  • All: Victor Mason (208) 332-8628

Remember, pre-registration is requested to participate in these collections. Below is the schedule for pesticide collections:

REXBURG: Sept. 9, 2013 - Madison County Transfer Station

                        530 Airport Road, Rexburg

IDAHO FALLS: Sept. 10, 2013 - Bonneville County Transfer Station

                        2455 Hemmert Avenue, Idaho Falls

BLACKFOOT: Sept. 11, 2013 - Eastern Idaho State Fairgrounds

                        97 Park Street, Blackfoot

AMERICAN FALLS: Sept. 12, 2013 - Power County Transfer Station

                        2950 Landfill Road, American Falls

BURLEY: Sept. 30, 2013 - BLM Burley Field Office

                        3630 Overland Road, Burley

TWIN FALLS: Oct. 1, 2013 - Twin Falls Canal Company

                        357 6th Avenue West, Twin Falls

GOODING: Oct. 2, 2013 - Gooding Airport

                        1945 Airport Road, Gooding

NAMPA: Oct. 3, 2013 - Pickles Butte Landfill

                        15500 Missouri Avenue, Nampa

Please check with the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) office nearest you or with the Boise ISDA office to confirm dates or for additional information about these collections.

All collections will run from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. each day