Klamath Basin Growers Donate $100,000 to OSU

Published online: Nov 07, 2013 Mark Graves, The Oregonian
Viewed 3643 time(s)
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Klamath Basin potato growers George Rajnus, Dan Chin and Lon Baley,  along with Bill Brewer, president and CEO of the Oregon Potato Commission, have given $100,000 to Oregon State University doctors Dan Arp, dean of College of Agricultural Sciences, and Russell Karow, department head of Crop and Soil Science.
The donation represents the intent of the Klamath Basin potato industry with the support of OPC to contribute $250,000 to the OSU Foundation before 2018. This money, along with a Provost Endowed Faculty match, will fund an endowment that will support the Klamath Basin Potato Endowed Faculty Scholar Fund in perpetuity.

Information about how contributions can be made toward the fund is available through the OPC office at (503) 239-4763.


Source: oregonlive.com