Ag Executive Forum to be Held in Chicago

Global agribusiness challenges are focus of January Chicago event.

Published online: Jan 09, 2014 Event Calendar
Viewed 3688 time(s)

"Changing Global Forces and What They Mean for Agriculture" is the theme of the 2014 Ag Executive Forum of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), set for Jan. 28-29 at the Chicago Hilton Hotel in Chicago.

The Forum brings together agribusiness executives, elite farmers and key dealers for candid and wide-ranging discussion of issues that will affect their businesses' ability to grow and prosper. An intensive day-and-a-half business agenda is rounded out with plenty of networking opportunities to further encourage the exchange of ideas and insights.

AEM, Farm Journal Media and, new for 2014, Crop Life America partner to develop the Ag Executive Forum, held in conjunction with Farm Journal's Top Producer Seminar this year. Forum attendees participate in a joint reception with the Tomorrow's Top Producer audience, providing an opportunity for the next generation of customers and industry leaders to connect. AEM's Ag Sector Board hosts the Forum.

2014 Ag Executive Forum topics include:

  • Eight Drivers that Will Reshape Agriculture in the 21st Century, Dr. Michael D. Boehlje, Purdue University distinguished professor, Department of Ag Economics
  • Policy and Trade Impacts on a Global Landscape, Roger Johnson, president, National Farmers Union
  • Industry Leaders Panel: Progressive farmers and agribusiness executives discuss Critical Ag Challenges in the Next Five Years, with Vern Hawkins, president of Syngenta Crop Protection; Thierry Krier, president and CEO of Kuhn North America; and Donovan Taves, president of Donovan Taves Farm
  • Keynote presentation titled Look Out for Mother Nature and Planetary Threats, from noted climate risk economist Dr. Simon Atkins

The Forum is known for its audience participation, facilitated by electronic immediate-response questions and a no-media policy ensuring frank discussion.

"The Ag Executive Forum consistently receives rave reviews for the depth and range of perspectives shared among attendees, as well as for the unique opportunity for agribusiness executives and top customers to connect directly," said Charlie O'Brien, AEM senior vice president.

For more information on the Ag Executive Forum, visit the Education section of the AEM website.