Mahindra Donates Tractor for Education

Published in the January 2014 Issue Published online: Jan 17, 2014
Viewed 2958 time(s)

HOUSTON, Texas —  Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology (OSUIT) for use in its Heavy Equipment and Vehicle Institute. OSUIT offers one of the leading technical programs in the nation, educating highly trained future employees critical to the success of farm equipment dealers.

The Mahindra 7060 4WD full-size utility tractor with ML 273 loader is equipped with a Mahindra Common Rail Diesel (mCRD) engine, an innovative, fuel-efficient, high-performance engine that reduces greenhouse gas emissions by over 360 tons per year as well as visible engine smoke. The Mahindra 7060 will be used in the curriculum for the Southwestern Association Industrial & Farm Equipment Associate in Applied Science degree program.

“We are committed to investing in education and are pleased to support these future farm industry technicians. OSUIT’s highly skilled graduates are vitally important to the agricultural industry,” said Cleo Franklin, vice president over marketing and strategic planning at Mahindra USA. “The outstanding degree program offered by OSUIT aligns with Mahindra’s ‘Rise’ philosophy of accepting no limits, employing alternative thinking and driving positive change to help transform lives.”

 “We appreciate the support of cutting-edge, fast-growing companies such as Mahindra,” said Dr. Bill R. Path, president of OSU Institute of Technology. “This support enables us to stay at the forefront of technology and continue to provide the farm equipment industry with outstanding talent. Our students are fortunate to have access to hands-on training with current technology such as this state-of-the-art Mahindra 7060 with its unique mCRD engine.”