Two SWAT Protocols Open for Public Comment

Submit comments through Jan. 31

Published online: Jan 15, 2014 Irrigation
Viewed 3755 time(s)

FALLS CHURCH, Va. - Smart Water Application Technologies (SWAT) has released two revised testing protocols for public comment: Sprinkler Head Check Valves Version 2.1 and Spray Head Sprinkler Nozzles Performance Characteristics Version 3.0. Both protocols are open for public comment through Jan. 31.

Sprinkler Head Check Valves Version 2.1 specifies the test methods used to validate manufacturer claims for the sprinkler check valves. Sprinkler check valves are integral to the sprinkler body and reduce or eliminate draining of the piping system through heads located at the lowest elevation on a zone. The latest version of this test protocol is designed to measure how well the check valve operates and includes an endurance test that will indicate their long-term reliability. To review the updated testing protocol and submit comments, click here.

The Spray Head Sprinkler Nozzles Performance Characteristics Version 3.0 now includes tests for all nozzles manufactured for spray head bodies, whereas previous versions included only nozzles claiming to have higher efficiencies or higher uniformity. The revised testing protocol looks at how individual nozzles perform for flow and distance of throw over a variety of pressures, but it also measures how groups of nozzles work together in standardized configurations. The test results will provide an end user with information to help select an appropriate nozzle to meet a specific landscape's requirements. To review the protocol and submit comments, click here.

For more information about SWAT and other standard initiatives, contact Irrigation Association industry development director Brent Mecham, CAIS, CGIA, CIC, CID, CLIA, CLWM, or call 703.536.7080.