Syngenta Introduces Solatenol Fungicide

New fungicide controls rusts, many different leaf spots, apple scab, powdery mildew and Rhizoctonia

Published online: Jun 26, 2014 Fungicide
Viewed 4744 time(s)

Syngenta has unveiled plans for the introduction of a new active ingredient. The SDHI fungicide—known by the general name Solatenol fungicide—will be available under four products for use on wheat, corn, cucurbit and fruiting vegetables, grapes, peanuts, pome fruit, potatoes and soybeans.

“As growers continue to encounter profit-robbing foliar diseases and soil pathogens in their crops, the need grows for an effective fungicide with broad-spectrum, long-lasting disease control,” said Allison Tally, technical product lead at Syngenta. “Solatenol fungicide binds tightly to the plant’s wax layer and slowly penetrates the tissue, providing the disease control that growers need.”

The Solatenol fungicide active ingredient will also provide:

  • Demonstrated crop safety on a wide range of crops
  • Excellent preventive fungicidal activity
  • Translaminar movement
  • Excellent rainfastness
  • A complement to growers’ resistance management programs

Solatenol fungicide is designed to provide disease control on a wide range of crops, including corn, soybeans, wheat, apples, grapes, pears, vegetables, peanuts and potatoes.

Solatenol fungicide will be marketed for use in potatoes as Elatus fungicide. It will contain two active ingredients—Solatenol fungicide and azoxystrobin—providing growers with a fungicide that demonstrates no cross-resistance to strobilurin or triazole fungicides. Elatus exhibits excellent Rhizoctonia control and produces increased yield potential.

Growers and retailers will have a chance to see Solatenol fungicide in university and Syngenta field trials this summer. 

Click here to learn more about Elatus for use in potatoes.