Cost & Size Page Ensures Less Waste

Published online: Jul 07, 2014
Viewed 3212 time(s)

Eagle, Idaho — For operators who research products and order online, the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) has added another essential foodservice tool to its online resources. The IPC cost and size calculators help operators take the guesswork out of purchasing Idaho potatoes. From carton to plate, operators can rely on these tools to give them real-time numbers for keeping food costs in line and customers happy.

Click here to access the Idaho Potato Commission Cost & Size page. The IPC has also made it easy to order a physical copy of the size guide and cost calculator.

While on the site, operators can browse the innovative potato menu applications in the comprehensive foodservice recipe database, download the comprehensive IPC Foodservice Tool Kit and an Idaho potato varietal poster, find answers to All Things Potatoes, or ask Dr. Potato a question. For more information, visit