T-L Introduces Precision Mobile Drip Irrigation

Published online: Sep 25, 2014 Irrigation
Viewed 3020 time(s)

T-L Irrigation’s stated has always been “The Choice is Simple.” T-L has gone one step farther in combining the simplicity of hydraulics and irrigation. This new application is called PMDI (Precision Mobile Drip Irrigation).

T-L’s patented technology has successfully married center pivot technology with drip irrigation. PMDI consists of in-line drip hoses spaced at 60, 40 or 30 inches between lines being dragged through various crops by a center pivot or linear move irrigation system. PMDI combines the efficiency of surface drip irrigation (95 percent) with the flexibility and economics of center pivot irrigation.

There are two main advantages of Precision Mobile Drip Irrigation:

  • Overall water efficiency. With the drip line design, growers eliminate evaporation and wind drift associated with traditional sprinklers because wind will not effect it as it applies the water at a super-efficient 95 percent. You get all the efficiency of surface drip at the much-reduced cost per acre price of center pivots.
  • Dry wheel tracks. In many soils and cropping practices, deep wheel tracks on pivots and linears are a problem. With PMDI, the drip lines water behind the wheels so the tires run on dry ground.

The system consists of in-line drip hoses in place of nozzles or sprinkler heads. These drip hoses are dragged by the center pivot or lateral-move system. As the hoses are pulled through the field, emitters deliver an even water pattern across the full length of the pivot or linear sytem.

In effect, PMDI technology combines the lower cost of center pivot irrigation with the proven efficiency of drip irrigation for total water efficiency that approaches 95 percent.