Scholarships for Relatives of NPPGA Members

Published online: Apr 22, 2015
Viewed 3279 time(s)

Each year the Northern Plains Potato Growers Research & Education Foundation offers scholarships to the sons, daughters or grandchildren of the Potato Associates and NPPGA members.

The foundation again offers this scholarship opportunity to four individuals who meet the following requirements:

  • Parent or grandparent must be either a grower-member or an associate member of the Northern Plains Potato Grower Association.                                
  • Applicant must be graduating from high school this spring or be attending college.
  • Applicant must have at least a 3.0 grade point average.      

There will be a total of three $500 and one $600 NPPGA scholarships awarded.  

NPPGA also offers the Potato Bowl Scholarship Ambassador Program with this application. The only additional requirement is that the selected scholarship applicants chosen to be the Potato Bowl Ambassadors and recipients of the Potato Bowl Scholarship must be available to participate in Potato Bowl events during the week of Sept. 10-12, 2015. 

Two individuals will be selected to serve as Potato Bowl Ambassadors, and will each receive a $1,000 scholarship.

Applicants who meet the criteria can download and complete the application to apply for the NPPGA and Potato Bowl scholarships.

A selection committee will be comprised to evaluate applications, interview candidates, and make the final selections.  Applications must be received in the NPPGA office no later than April 27.  

In 2014, the winners of the Potato Bowl scholarships were Drew Thompson and Ben Thompson. 


Source: Potato Business