Texas Customers Excited for Local Reds

Published online: Apr 13, 2016 Potato Harvesting
Viewed 2437 time(s)

Over 27 million people live in Texas, making it the second-largest state by population in the U.S. And with that many people fiercely proud of everything native to their state, it’s no surprise that locally-grown Texas potatoes sell so well.

Black Gold Farms has been growing fresh red potatoes in Pearsall, Texas—about an hour down Interstate 35 from San Antonio—since 2011. But the 88-year-old, fourth-generation, family-owned operation has actually been growing potatoes in Pearsall since 1992, focusing on producing potatoes specifically for potato chips as they gained an understanding of how to get the highest quality from the unique growing conditions in the state. The 2016 crop of Texan Reds is looking great, and Black Gold Farms says it is right on track for a record harvest, which should begin the first week of May.

Black Gold Farms is a red potato grower/packer/shipper whose people understand the importance of marketing and merchandising to driving volume and profit growth for the company’s retail customers, and nowhere is this more evident than with Black Gold Farms’ locally-grown initiatives. Black Gold Farms is ready to support this season’s Texan Reds with consumer offers and sweepstakes, display contests, in-store communication including retailer-specific Kwik Loks, posters and signs as well as social media activities, produce associate training initiatives and even hands-on tours of the Pearsall farm.

 “Our Texas customers are eager to get their hands on them,” added fresh sales manager Keith Groven. “These operators have witnessed the demand that Texas-grown red potatoes can generate, and they know that they can command a premium price for the superior quality we deliver”.

In an October 2015 Harris poll, 67 percent of Americans said it is important to buy locally grown/sourced produce—more than any other food category—and sales of locally-raised produce, including red potatoes are increasing rapidly. This is why Black Gold Farms has announced a significant expansion to its successful locally-grown program in 2016, with North Carolina being added to a roster that already includes Missouri, Indiana and Texas, with Minnesota slated to come aboard in 2017.

“This is shaping up to be our finest crop of red potatoes yet,” said Jay Yates, farm manager for Black Gold’s Pearsall operation.


Source: Fresh Plaza