Enhancing Biodiversity Aids Agriculture

Published online: Jul 26, 2016 Herbicide, Insecticide
Viewed 3486 time(s)

National Pollinator Week was celebrated June 20-26 in the U.S., but the connectedness of pollinators and biodiversity is a focus that many in the agriculture community take seriously every week of the year—and for good reason. More than a third of all crops need pollinators for propagation, meaning our busy buzzing friends generate about $221 billion each year in value worldwide. In addition, American farmers are making positive use out of marginal, less productive land by creating habitats for pollinators and other wildlife. It is believed that for every three acres of marginal land planted to benefit pollinators, 100 acres will experience a significant positive impact.

Through its Good Growth Plan, Syngenta has committed to enhance biodiversity on more than 12.3 million acres around the world by 2020. (Syngenta is also a presenting sponsor at this week’s Soil & Water Conservation Society conference in Louisville.) 

This infographic illustrates how habitation corridors and vegetation strips along the edges of farms can be crucial partners in biodiversity and crop health.