Miller Research Schedules Field Day

Aug. 17; focus on pest management

Published online: Jul 04, 2016 Event Calendar, Fungicide, Herbicide, Insecticide
Viewed 2524 time(s)

Miller Research will hold a pest management field day Wednesday, Aug. 17 at the Miller Research facility located near Acequia, Idaho (426 East 200 North). All growers, consultants and any others interested in potato pest management are invited. A short presentation will be given in the office followed by a tour of the research plots.

The presentations will focus on chemical management of diseases and will highlight research that has been funded by the Pacific Northwest Potato Research Consortium. Idaho State Department of Agriculture pesticide recertification credits and CCA pest management credits have been requested for this meeting.



9 to 9:30 a.m.             

Overview of research projects on early blight/brown leaf spot/black dot, white mold, and Verticillium wilt. Update on late blight and potato psyllid monitoring.


9:30 to 10:30 a.m.

Tour of foliar disease management and fumigation field trials.


At the conclusion of Miller Research’s field day, an additional tour will be sponsored jointly by Simplot and Bayer CropScience. That portion of the tour will conclude at noon and lunch will be provided free of charge.


RSVPs should be made to Jeff Miller by Aug. 10 at (208) 531-5124 or