Canada Invests in Research Site

Published online: Sep 07, 2016 Seed Potatoes
Viewed 2259 time(s)

Canada’s federal government and the provincial government of Manitoba have invested more than $210,000 in a new vegetable research site near Winkler, Manitoba. The research will be focused on improving yields, developing new varieties and creating opportunities for potato, sweet potato and carrot growers. The investment was announced last week by federal agriculture minister Lawrence MacAulay and Manitoba agriculture minister Ralph Eichler

“Our government is proud to support research for the improvement of yields and the development of new vegetable varieties in Canada,” said MacAulay. “This investment will help Canada’s vegetable farmers expand their markets in Canada and abroad, creating new opportunities and generating greater returns for Canadian farmers.”

Funding will be provided through Growing Innovation to support research focused on nutrient and pest management for potatoes, new varieties of sweet potato that are better suited for Manitoba’s shorter growing season, and variety evaluation and crop management techniques to improve quality and yield for carrots.

“This research project will provide Manitoba’s growers with relevant information to help them make decisions for their farms, while also identifying new opportunities for the future,” said Eichler. “Vegetables are important crops for the province’s farmers and for our agriculture industry, while also having the added benefit of making more nutritious and locally-grown food available for Manitobans.”

The research site will be operated by Peak of the Market, a grower-owned cooperative responsible for selling Manitoba’s fresh market potatoes and other vegetables. The company will contribute more than $477,000 toward the three-year research project. 

“We appreciate working in partnership with government, which will allow us to continue to build the industry,” said Keith Kuhl, chair of Peak of the Market and president of Southern Potato. “New crops and varieties are a key component to ongoing success.”


Source: PotatoPro