Idaho Harvest Looks Strong

Published online: Sep 28, 2016 Potato Harvesting Taja Davis
Viewed 3047 time(s)

Potatoes have been the talk of the town in eastern Idaho with it being harvest season. Many growers say everything is looking great this year.

Potato harvest is at its peak—some growers are just starting to dig potatoes, and others are almost done with their crops.

“The potato crop looks really good, yes,” says Reed Searle, owner of R&C Farms near Shelley, Idaho. “Quality’s up and the yields are about average, maybe a little bit above average.”

Despite the potato harvest starting a little bit earlier this year, the crop is looking pretty good. R&C Farms started harvesting around Aug. 15, and are already trying to wrap everything up.

“The weather’s been pretty good,” says Searle. “This last rain we had this last week—really good for the potato growers. It softened up the clods. It’s a godsend for us.”

R&C Farms began harvest with its red potatoes, followed by russets. Now, it’s onto the yellows for the last 15 acres.


Source: KIFI News