New Innate Varieties Deregulated

Published online: Oct 29, 2016 Fungicide, Potato Storage, Seed Potatoes
Viewed 3501 time(s)

In October, the USDA deregulated the Ranger Russet and Atlantic varieties of the second generation of Innate biotech potatoes, developed by the Simplot Co. These varieties join the Innate second-generation Russet Burbank potato, which was deregulated in 2015.

The second generation of Innate potatoes contains four beneficial traits of relevance to potato growers, processors and consumers:

  1. Reduced bruising and black spots
  2. Reduced asparagines
  3. Protection against the late blight pathogen
  4. Enhanced cold storage capability.

These traits were achieved by adding only genes from wild and cultivated potatoes.

Research shows that Innate second-generation potatoes will further contribute to reducing waste associated with bruise, blight and storage losses by reducing waste at multiple stages of the value chain, including in the field, during storage, processing, and in foodservice. That research suggests that these traits will translate to less land, water and pesticide applications to produce Innate potatoes.

Several academics consulted by Simplot, for instance, estimate that the Innate late blight protection trait can result in a 50 percent reduction in fungicide applications annually to control late blight. Lower asparagine means that accumulation levels of acrylamide can be reduced by up to 90 percent when the potatoes are cooked at high temperatures. In addition, lower reducing sugars enable cold storage at 38 degrees Fahrenheit for more than six months without the buildup of sugars, thereby improving quality.

“The introduction of late blight resistance in Innate varieties is a game changer, one that has the potential to dramatically reduce the environmental impact of potato growing by reducing pesticide use,” said Neil Gudmestad of North Dakota State University.

Simplot will await the completion of the EPA registration and FDA consultation before these additional varieties of second-generation of Innate potatoes are initially introduced into the marketplace.