U.S. Seed Trials Planted in Myanmar

Published online: Feb 08, 2017 Seed Potatoes
Viewed 2172 time(s)

Potatoes USA has just completed the planting of a third seed variety trial in the southeastern Asian country of Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). The purpose of this USDA-funded trial is to establish field data of U.S. varieties for government registration in Myanmar.

Peter Joyce, Potatoes USA international seed representative, provided technical assistance to demonstrate seed-cutting techniques and planted a replicated trial during the week of Jan. 16.

Varieties planted include Cal White, Atlantic, Megachip, Yukon Gem, Defender, Hodag, Nicolet, Pinnacle and Granola. Rey Santella, the agricultural attaché from the American Office of Agricultural Affairs in Myanmar, visited the planting site to learn about the project. 

For varieties to be registered, they need to show higher yield in trials than the control variety Kufri Jyoti, the predominant locally planted variety, in three regional sites. If this U.S. seed variety trial is successful, as expected, in outperforming yields of Kufri Jyoti, registration will allow for commercial sales of U.S. seed to Myanmar. Harvest of the trials is expected in April and May. 


Source: Potato News Today