Herbicide Buyers' Guide

Published online: Mar 28, 2017 Herbicide, New Products
Viewed 5564 time(s)

This buyers' guide appears in the April 2017 issue of Potato Grower

As every grower knows, weeds can be harsh, nasty and unforgiving, in spite of warm, cuddly-sounding names like morning glory, marestail and lambsquarter. It takes serious work and planning to make sure your potatoes live in comfort and aren’t crowded out of their rightful space. Our herbicide buyers’ guide is here to help you make the most well-informed decision possible when it comes to weed control this season.

Adama USA

(866) 406-6262



Tailwind pre-emergence herbicide delivers a weed control solution in both soybeans and potatoes. It is specifically formulated to deliver early-season control of more than 40 species of grasses and broadleaf weeds, including those resistant to glyphosate and ALS inhibitors. 

Tailwind’s two residual modes of action protects and mitigate the hassle of managing tough, resistant weeds. It mixes favorably with premium formulations of glyphosate and paraquat. Using Tailwind also eliminates carryover issues in rotational crops.


AMVAC Chemical Corporation

(888) 462-6822



A powerful force in post-emergence control, Impact herbicide offers producers control of broadleaf weeds and grasses. It is a preferred complement to the widespread use of glyphosate-based herbicides. From planned programs, including two-pass sequential and total post-emergence, to challenging applications due to weeds, weather and other unforeseen complications, Impact has proven successful. No known weed resistance to Impact has been found, making it a good fit for any grower fighting tough-to-control weeds or biotypes resistant to glyphosate, atrazine or ALS herbicides.


Dow AgroSciences

(800) 258-3033


Starane Flex

For pulse crop and potato growers, effective weed control in wheat used to come at a very high price—flexibility. Not anymore, thanks to Starane Flex herbicide. Starane Flex controls the toughest broadleaf weeds, including large, more mature and ALS-resistant kochia, wild buckwheat, prickly lettuce, mustards, cleavers and others, at an affordable price.


Drexel Chemical Company

(901) 774-4370


Trifluralin 4EC

Trifluralin 4EC is a selective pre-emergence Group 3 herbicide for use in controlling problematic weeds and grasses in many agricultural and non-crop use sites. It controls susceptible weeds by disrupting seedling growth through root absorption. Soil incorporation of Trifluralin 4EC provides activation and long-lasting control.


FMC Agricultural Solutions

(215) 299-6000



Solida herbicide controls numerous grasses, sedges and broadleaf weeds such as fleabane, marestail, barnyard grass, woolly cupgrass and morning glory. It is rapidly absorbed through both the roots and foliage of plants, stopping the growth of susceptible weeds. Solida is a solid choice for crops including potatoes, potatoes grown for seed, citrus fruit, stone fruit, tree nuts, pome fruit, grapes and field-grown tomatoes. Another advantage of Solida is its long-lasting soil residual activity in labeled crops. It has excellent tree, nut and vine tolerance and won’t cause injury or scarring for in-season applications.


Gowan Company

(800) 883-1844


Eptam 7E Selective Herbicide

Eptam 7E herbicide provides excellent weed control in potatoes, dry beans, alfalfa and other crops. PPI, pre- and post-application flexibility provides for season-long control of the most difficult annual and perennial weeds. When Eptam is applied and/or incorporated according to label directions, weed control begins immediately. Performance is not dependant on post-application rainfall. Other key Eptam features include excellent crop safety, crop rotation and tank-mix flexibility.



(800) 525-2803



Linex is a Group 7 herbicide for growers faced with combating resistant weeds. It provides broad-spectrum control of dozens of tough grasses and broadleaf weeds and provides a different mode of action than ALS inhibitor- or triazine-based herbicides.

Linex is labeled for use on potatoes, corn, sorghum, cotton and soybeans.


Nufarm Limited

(800) 345-3330



Cheetah herbicide is labeled for use as a desiccant on potato vines. As a potato vine desiccant, Cheetah provides fast, complete vine desiccation to allow for a more timely harvest. It provides an excellent alternative to Diquat and other older chemistries currently used for vine desiccation.

Cheetah is a non-selective herbicide that provides quicker, more reliable control of glyphosate-resistant weeds in a wide variety of high-value crops such as tree nuts, grapes, bushberries, pome and stone fruit and many others.



(800) 295-0733



Stalwart herbicides provide pre-emergent control of annual grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds in potato, soybean, sorghum, cotton, peanut and pod crops. With metolachlor as their active ingredient, Stalwart products are suitable for tank mixing with fluid fertilizers and other herbicides and can be applied pre- or post-planting, but before weeds emerge.

Stalwart, Stalwart C, Stalwart MTZ, Stalwart Xtra and Stalwart Xtra Lite are restricted-use pesticides.



(800) 334-9481


Dual II Magnum

Dual II Magnum herbicide is effective at eliminating early-season weed competition that threatens to reduce yields in potatoes, corn, soybeans, cotton, sorghum and a variety of other crops. It provides long-lasting control of most annual grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds while offering excellent crop safety. Its application flexibility and ability to fit all cropping systems make it a versatile weed resistance and weed management tool. 


Valent U.S.A.

(925) 256-2700


Select Max with Inside Technology

Select Max herbicide with Inside technology is a unique formulation that delivers superior performance with excellent crop safety. It is the fastest and most powerful way to control volunteer corn and other grasses in numerous crops. With adjuvant and tank mix flexibility, Select Max is a post-emergence herbicide that offers total performance.


Westbridge Agricultural Products

(800) 876-2767



Suppress Herbicide EC

Suppress Herbicide EC is a highly effective new EPA-registered tool for weed management programs. It is registered as a broad-spectrum contact herbicide for post-emergent, non-selective weed control for use in and around all food and non-food crops. Westbridge’s proprietary formulation is an emulsifiable concentrate that is OMRI-approved for use in certified organic food production.

Suppress Herbicide EC helps organic growers meet their production goals, and it is an excellent option for conventional growers to use as a rotational herbicide where weeds have become resistant to other chemical herbicides.

Suppress Herbicide EC has proven efficacy in years of university research and field trials. This low-foaming, easy-to-use herbicide has no pre-harvest interval, will not volatilize and provides rapid, effective control on various weeds.



(720) 306-6340


Base Camp LV

Base Camp LV 6 is a 2,4-D Ester formulation, labeled for in-crop and other applications. It controls a wide spectrum of broadleaf weed species, including glyphosate and ALS-resistant weeds. Base Camp LV 6 is formulated for improved efficacy, even in areas where hard water is a problem.??