Cover Crop Image Database Available

Published online: Apr 03, 2017
Viewed 2660 time(s)

Across the U.S., growers are increasingly using cover crops to suppress weeds, conserve soil, protect water quality and control pests and diseases. They could play a significant role in sequestering carbon from the atmosphere.

There are many stories to share with growers about cover crops, in both words and images. To help growers show their next cover crop story, Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) has introduced its library of cover crop images and soil health illustrations.

The library is available here.  

The images and illustrations in this collection are free to use in news reporting, educational activities and outreach, and other non-commercial purposes.

The collection includes over 1,500 photos and illustrations organized into 10 galleries. A soil health gallery features high-resolution illustrations compiled in a set of 20 PowerPoint slides for use in presentations.

The collection also includes five complete PowerPoint presentations that can be used and adapted by educators to illustrate the benefits of incorporating cover crops into cropping systems.

The library was developed with the support of the North Central Region SARE program and the Howard G. Buffett Foundation to help educators, researchers and nonprofit organizations develop educational materials that allow producers achieve the many benefits provided by cover crops.

The cover crop photos in this database were compiled by Remsberg, Inc. Most photos were shot by Edwin Remsberg, with exceptions noted in the credits. The soil health illustrations were created by Carlyn Iverson.

When using materials from the library, see individual images and galleries for attribution information. Photos, presentations and illustrations can be used for all non-commercial purposes and may be modified. For questions, contact


Source: Farm Forum