Haith Group Announces New Alliances

Published online: Apr 21, 2017
Viewed 2626 time(s)

The Haith Group has announced two new powerful alliances with highly respected industry specialists. The new arrangements will further extend the Haith product portfolio and provide customers with complete package solutions.

Haith is now able to exclusively offer products from UK-based company Brillopak, offering automated end-of-line packing and palletizing solutions, and from Deprez Construct in Belgium, market leaders in automated box-handling and storage systems.

Deprez specializes in products aimed at improving efficiencies for packers and large-scale vegetable growers. Coupled with the Haith range of innovative packhouse equipment, Deprez systems will enable Haith to offer the complete package, focusing on gentle handling, high wash quality, improved pack-out, and reduced labor costs, further reduced by creating designs specifically aimed at limited forklift truck movements.

Brillopak provides innovative end-of-line automation solutions, complementary to Haith’s existing range. The company specializes in the high-speed packing of product into trays and boxes as well as tray-handling and stacking systems that reduce labor costs and increase throughput. Using the latest technologies, these robotic solutions ensure gentle handling of pre-packed vegetables, together with the excellent visual presentation of the product in the tray.

These two new strategic partnerships mean that Haith can now offer their clients the very latest up-to-date vegetable packing solutions, and to allow the industry to move to the next level with high-quality, fully automated lines incorporating 3D layout design, proven project management, HMI line control and diagnostics incorporating Haith Group technologies.