N.D. Potato Acreage Could Dip

Published online: Apr 13, 2017 Seed Potatoes
Viewed 2756 time(s)

The number of potato acres that will be planted in North Dakota in 2017 is more difficult to project than in most years, as several factors figure into making it a tough call.

“Coming off a difficult year when 30 percent of the fresh crop was lost to over-land flooding, the fresh potato landscape looks much different this spring,” says Ted Kreis, marketing director for the Northern Plains Potato Growers Association. “The [Red River] Valley’s largest red potato grower has changed his business model and will greatly reduce acres. Another wash plant has come under new ownership and will be supplied by the new owners. Seed availability has also been mentioned as a limiting factor.

“Our own survey indicates fresh acres will be down about 7 percent in the Red River Valley,” Kreis continues. “But that number could still fluctuate quite a bit between now and planting time.”


Source: The Produce News