New Prodcut: Lindsay FieldNET Advisor

Published online: Apr 28, 2017 Irrigation, New Products
Viewed 3189 time(s)

FieldNET by Lindsay introduces FieldNET Advisor, an irrigation management solution designed to provide growers with simple, science-based irrigation recommendations to enable faster, better informed irrigation management decisions. This solution combines more than 40 years of crop and irrigation research into FieldNET’s proven technology platform, leveraging massive amounts of data, cloud computing capabilities, and machine learning to deliver growers one easy-to-use tool.


Why Use FieldNET Advisor?

FieldNET Advisor simplifies irrigation decisions for growers. Gone are the days of growers having to manually track their crops’ development and make complex calculations to know their daily water usage. No longer will growers be frustrated trying to use multiple, unintegrated tools to track their crops’ water needs and manage their irrigation equipment.

For growers who have historically relied on visual inspection of their crops or even less scientific methods to make irrigation decisions, there is finally a tool that will deliver the information they need to make better informed decisions without the headache and cost of installing and maintaining additional sensors or probes in the field. 


Key Benefits

FieldNET Advisor helps growers in their efforts to maximize their profitability through better irrigation management by helping them to better:

  • Maximize yield output and crop performance by reducing crop water stress and nutrient leaching;
  • Reduce input costs and conserve water by reducing the likelihood of over-watering and the resulting loss of key nutrients;
  • Save time and labor by providing quick, simple and intuitive irrigation management recommendations and alerts.


Four Tools in One

FieldNET Advisor is actually four powerful tools built into one solution that not only delivers valuable irrigation recommendations, but is also seamlessly integrated into FieldNET’s powerful remote monitoring and control platform, enabling growers to immediately put irrigation decisions into action and monitor their progress.

1. FieldNET Irrigation Advisor

  • Recommend next irrigation date and amount
  • Daily and season-to-date soil water depletion across entire field
  • Forecasted soil water depletion and irrigation needs for remainder of season
  • Soil water depletion warning alerts
  • Customized irrigation management settings and recommendation alerts
  • Automated initial field setup wizard allows multiple crops, hybrids and planting dates
  • Automated importing of soil data
  • Automated as-applied irrigation data (depth, location, date)
  • Upload existing field or soil maps if desired.

2. FieldNET Crop Advisor

  • Current crop growth stage and root depth, allowing manual adjustments
  • Daily crop water usage (ETCrop)
  • Automatic irrigation recommendation adjustments based on yield impact
  • Season-to-date remainder of season forecasted crop stress
  • Patent-pending season-to-date and remainder of season forecasted yield impact
  • Continuously forecasted crop maturity date updates

3. FieldNET Weather Advisor

  • Field-specific current weather conditions
  • Field-specific hourly weather forecasts for 15 days
  • Field-specific daily weather forecasts for 15 days
  • Customizable field-specific weather alerts
  • Editable daily rainfall amounts.
  • Data from optional in-field Growsmart weather station

4. FieldNET VRI Advisor

  • Auto-generated, continuously updated field-specific sector VRI plans. Available for all fields
  • Auto-generated, continuously updated field-specific full precision VRI plans. Requires Growsmart precision VRI hardware with individual sprinkler control.


How It Works

  1. Enter your crop types, hybrids and planting dates.
  2. FieldNET Advisor automatically combines this data with soil maps, hyper-local weather information, and as-applied irrigation history across your field.
  3. By tracking crop growth stage and root depth to monitor the amount of moisture available in the soil, FieldNET Advisor forecasts your crop’s future water needs.
  4. FieldNET Advisor makes recommendations on when, where and how much to irrigate, helping improve water use efficiency and enhance profitability.
  5. Irrigation recommendations are automatically sent to your phone or computer through email or text messaging so that you can react in real time.

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