New Product: Mirus Field Applicator Plug-in

Published online: Apr 20, 2017 New Products, Potato Equipment
Viewed 2712 time(s)

HarvestMaster’s Mirus Field Applicator plug-in eliminates the need for bulky, confusing toggle switch boxes. With the ability to control several different field implements, sensors and additional research equipment from within the Mirus dashboard, using the product is simple and user-friendly. Features and uses include:

  • GNSS/GPS to determine field location
  • Multi- or single-boom liquid sprayer
  • Dry fertilizer spreaders
  • Liquid fertilizer applicator
  • Cone planter, tripping on set distance
  • Plot soil sampler
  • Starter fertilizer, soil inoculant and other granular material application
  • GPS control of sprayer start/stop (no more toggle switch boxes)
  • ARM or Excel map import options specifying formulation to be applied to each plot
  • Accurate record of what was applied to each plot

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