Planet, FarmShots Offer Free Trial to John Deere Operations Center Users

Published online: Apr 14, 2017 New Products, Potato Equipment
Viewed 2563 time(s)

Planet and FarmShots have collaborated to provide John Deere Operations Center users access to Planet’s global imaging capacity, allowing growers to view up to daily imagery of their fields. Planet operates the largest constellation of Earth-imaging satellites and provides cost-effective and information-rich agricultural data to users in countries across the globe.

FarmShots analyzes satellite and drone imagery of farms to help reduce field scouting effort by as much as 90 percent. When integrated with MyJohnDeere Operations Center, it is possible to quickly create prescription maps based on plant health and upload these prescriptions directly to John Deere equipment for fast and easy treatment.

Anyone with a free MyJohnDeere account and organization in Operations Center can use FarmShots’ precision agriculture software to access Planet’s high-resolution satellite imagery. With access, users can import field boundaries into FarmShots directly from Operations Center; export the plant health data layer to Field Analyzer, generate prescription maps for GreenStar 2630 displays, and compare plant health with yield maps year to year.

FarmShots’ analytical tools and Planet’s timely and consistent imagery ensure that Operations Center users have the latest and most accurate information about what’s going on in their fields.

Growers can see this integration in action by signing up for a free trial of unlimited acres. The offer is valid until June 15th, 2017.