The Smorgasbord: Crimson King

Published online: Apr 02, 2017 Seed Potatoes, Smorgasbord
Viewed 4492 time(s)

This article appears in the March 2017 issue of Potato Grower. 

In this month’s Smorgasbord, we take a closer look at Crimson King, a red-skinned, red-fleshed variety that has shown promise for the fresh markets. Thanks to Crimson King’s deep red flesh color, there is also potential for the specialty chip market. It is PVP-pending, and seed is available from the San Luis Valley Research Center. It has been test-grown in Washington State, southern California, Florida and upstate New York.

Crimson King was developed by Colorado State University at the San Luis Valley Research Center and is marketed exclusively by Georgia-based Crown Quality Concepts.



CO94170-1× Mountain Rose


Key Attributes

  • Good yield potential (average 396 hundredweight per acre in trials)
  • Attractive, oval tubers with red skin and red flesh
  • Small tuber size profile
  • Medium vine size, semi-erect plants with white flowers
  • Medium-early maturity
  • Resistant to hollow heart, second growth and growth crack.
  • 58 percent of tubers U.S. No. 1
  • Low specific gravity (1.076)
  • Retains vivid red flesh color even after cooking
  • High amount of nutritious anthocyanins