UPI Launches Two New Herbicides

Published online: Apr 15, 2017 Herbicide, New Products
Viewed 3065 time(s)

United Phosphorus Inc. (UPI) has launched two new herbicides in the U.S.

Moccasin is the first post-patent herbicide containing the active ingredient S-metolachlor (the same active found in Syngenta’s Dual Magnum herbicide). Labeled for use on a wide spectrum of crops (including soybeans, cotton, peanuts, potatoes, sugarbeets and corn), and with multiple application timings, Moccasin is one of the most versatile soil-applied herbicides available.

Shutdown is a soil-applied, long-residual herbicide designed to be used alone or as an economical tank-mix partner with a variety of pre-emergent herbicides. Labeled crops include soybeans, sunflowers, tobacco and several vegetable crops. Shutdown contains one of the most commonly used active ingredients in U.S. agriculture, and has a higher active ingredient loading than similar products in the marketplace, giving growers that little extra boost in performance.

“We are very excited to add Moccasin and Shutdown to our growing portfolio of products,” says UPI product manager Chris Bowley. “UPI’s mission is to bring high-quality and economical options to market that help American growers combat the challenges posed by herbicide resistance. These two products help to reinforce our commitment to this mission.”

For full details about Moccasin, Shutdown and all UPI products, go to www.upi-usa.com or call (800) 438-6071.