Washington Pesticide Collection Coming

Published online: Apr 07, 2017 Fungicide, Herbicide, Insecticide
Viewed 2308 time(s)

The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) is holding a pair of pesticide collection events in May, providing an opportunity for farmers, ranchers and residents to safely and properly dispose of unusable and unwanted pesticide products.

To reserve a space for one of these events, contact the WSDA by April 12. Interested parties can sign up for disposal by email at wastepesticide@agr.wa.gov or call (360) 902-2056.

Those who sign up will be notified by program staff and will be given further instructions about the collection event, time and location. Upon request, the program will provide on-site assistance at no charge and help to safely inventory unwanted pesticides.

The program only collects unusable and wanted agriculture and commercial-grade pesticides. Materials such as fertilizers, motor oil and household hazardous wastes are not accepted at the WSDA collections.

The WSDA operates the Waste Pesticide Disposal Program for residents, farmers, small businesses and public agencies, free of charge.

The goal is to help Washingtonians properly dispose of unused or unusable pesticides to prevent human and animal exposure and to eliminate any potential source of environmental contamination.


Source: KOZI Radio