Isagro Focuses on Bio-Solutions

Published online: May 19, 2017 Fertilizer, Fungicide, Insecticide, New Products
Viewed 4559 time(s)

Isagro USA, Inc. is launching an ever-expanding bio-solutions portfolio designed to serve growers seeking to meet consumer demand for more bio-based and organic food production.

“Building a dynamic portfolio of bio-based and organic crop protection and plant-beneficial nutrient products has  been our priority for several years in the United States,” says John Paul Du Pre, executive chairman of Isagro USA.

“This expanding portfolio of products will serve growers with an ever-widening range of bio-based solutions in 2017 and beyond,” says Isagro USA president Mike Allan.

Isagro USA’s parent company, Italy-based Isagro S.p.A., is a global discovery and research company that manufactures and markets both bio-based and conventional chemistry products in more than 80 countries. Since 2006, Isagro has brought select products to U.S. crop producers, including the brands Mettle fungicide, Badge copper fungicides, Domark fungicide and more. In late 2013, Isagro announced a distribution agreement with Gowan USA to market selected tetraconazole- and copper-based products for the U.S. marketplace.

Since 2013, Isagro USA has been focused on building on its proprietary-based portfolio of Dominus soil biofumigant to assist producers of high-value crops like strawberry and tomato to effectively control soil-borne pests; Bio-Tam 2.0 for soil diseases (Phytophthora, Fusarium) and foliar diseases with emphasis on grape vine pruning diseases; and Tamarack and Tamarack Nature amino acid protein-based fertilizers for plant health.

“As part of the success of Dominus in the bio-solutions sector,” Du Pre says, “our U.S. path was clear in terms of bringing other products to this growing category of crop protection and plant nutrition with a mixture of bio-based biopesticides and OMRI-listed products.”

Current products include:

  • Bio-Tam 2.0: A biorational fungicide providing outstanding disease protection in fruit and vegetable crops. It is OMRI-listed for organic production.
  • Dominus: A broad-spectrum soil biofumigant that effectively controls important soil-borne fungi, nematodes, weeds and insects.
  • Kentan DF: A copper hydroxide bactericide/fungicide that offers a number of key benefits, including a higher degree of rainfastness in a quality DF formulation compared to other brands. It is OMRI-listed for organic production.
  • Spear-T: A new bioinsecticide for treatment of thrips, whiteflies and spider mites on greenhouse vegetables. Field trials of Spear-T demonstrate that results are equivalent or superior to conventional control chemicals.
  • Taegro 2: A biofungicide that provides broad-spectrum protection of major soil-borne and foliar diseases. It is OMRI-listed for organic production.
  • Tamarack: An animal protein-based fertilizer (10-0-0) that offers significant benefits in crop productivity and during times of plant stress.
  • Tamarack Nature: A plant-based fertilizer (2.5-0-0) that improves crop productivity and promotes plant vigor in agricultural, greenhouse, turf and ornamental crops.
  • Tenet WP: A bio-rational fungicide from two strains of Trichoderma that can be soil-applied and is OMRI-listed for organic production.
  • Ventus: A powerful foliar fungicide that can be used as an integrated pest management rotational partner with both conventional and biological products. Ventus combines a systemic and a contact fungicide to provide broad-spectrum control of the listed foliar plant pathogens.

Several other products being sourced through Isagro S.p.A. and other exclusive manufacturer agreements are nearing launch in 2017 and 2018.

“Our goal is to become one of the leading sources of bio-based and organic crop production solutions in the United States,” says Allan.