Merits of Irrigation Monitoring

Published online: May 03, 2017 Irrigation, New Products Ashley Anderson, Associate Product Manager, Valley Irrigation
Viewed 2652 time(s)

The growing season is upon us, and of course, there are a large number of tasks that must be done to ensure a successful year. Whether you are finished with planting, or just getting started, one thing is clear: you have a lot going on and it can be a bit overwhelming. We have a good idea that can potentially save you some time, and lower your stress levels during this busy time of year.

Since there is never enough time in the day to get everything done, maybe your list should include those tasks that help to make your life easier and allow you to use your time more efficiently. That is where telemetry options for irrigation monitoring can help.

Telemetry solutions, like Valley’s BaseStation3 and AgSense, help growers better monitor and control their irrigation equipment. By having a solution implemented prior to peak irrigation season, a telemetry product can also help diagnose any issues with irrigation equipment for things like adequate water pressure. Using an irrigation monitoring product to do a spot check ahead of time can help growers to avoid issues popping up at critical times during the growing season.

If you are concerned about all the new equipment and hassle that goes into upgrading your existing pivots to a telemetry option, you can check out the new ICONX smart panel. With options like this, growers can bring an aging center pivot into the 21st century without the cost of full-panel upgrade. The ICONX is compatible with most brands of pivot control panel, mechanical or digital. It mounts next to the existing panel, using it as a host and assuming control of the pivot, giving users complete ICON touchscreen functionality, GPS Position and AgSense connectivity. Now, no matter what brand of pivot you run, you can have all your machines connected through AgSense or BaseStation3, simplifying the management of your operation.

During the growing season, having a single source to monitor and control irrigation devices remotely can provide growers with peace of mind when they are away from their fields. Telemetry can also help them farm more efficiently with tools like advanced reporting, irrigation programming and others to help manage operations from any place, any time.

There are a number of different options available to connect multiple devices on the farm and gain full irrigation monitoring and control capabilities. 

Source: Valley Irrigation