Potatoes USA Guatemala Trip a Success

Published online: May 12, 2017 Seed Potatoes
Viewed 2760 time(s)

A delegation representing Potatoes USA traveled to Guatemala April 16 through 22 to evaluate the condition of the first commercial import of U.S. seed potatoes, plant variety trials at a new time of the year, and conduct a seed seminar for Guatemalan growers.  

This first commercial sale of U.S. seed potatoes for the Guatemala market was made possible by the efforts of Potatoes USA variety trials and the seed program, which introduces U.S. seed varieties and facilitates business connections between U.S. growers/exporters and Guatemalan buyers. The seed from the shipment looked very good and everyone involved is optimistic about the outcome.

During the visit, Potatoes USA planted another seed variety trial at a research farm in the highland region of Quetzaltenango consisting of 16 varieties originating from five U.S. states. This trial marks the third in two years and was planted during a new season than Potatoes USA’s previous trials. Partner research organization ICTA will establish nine other plots in different growing areas across the country. 

Potatoes USA also conducted a seminar for local growers to better explain U.S. practices pertaining to seed and the importance of seed cutting. Steve Johnson, University of Maine extension crop specialist, attended as a special speaker for Potatoes USA. He spoke at length about seed care both before and after planting. The importance and benefits of seed cutting before planting was another theme presented. There was a high level of interest and optimism from the growers involved. Overall, it was a very successful trip and expectations are high for good yields at harvest.