Tomra Ships World’s Largest Steam Peeler

Published online: May 10, 2017 New Products
Viewed 3659 time(s)

Tomra Sorting Food has delivered an industry first in the form of the world’s highest-capacity steam peeler, which will be used by a leading potato processing company.

The new Eco steam peeler stands more than 26 feet tall and has the capability to peel more than 1,400 pounds of potatoes in less than seven seconds. The processing capacity of the steam peeler is more than 143,300 pounds of potatoes per hour, or a daily rate of 3,439,200 pounds.

“When you consider this pressure vessel will peel almost 3,000 individual potatoes in less than seven seconds, these results demonstrate the scale of the achievement,” says Eamonn Cullen, market unit manager peeling at Tomra Sorting Food.

Steam peeling has for a long time been the most efficient method of removing skin from the surface of vegetables. The new Eco steam peeler is not only the fastest steam peeler; it is also the most efficient in the industry, using 28 percent less steam than other peelers of its type. 

“We were the first to introduce high-pressure steam peeling to the vegetable processing industry, and we have continued to invent technologies to improve steam peeling performance,” says Cullen. “This latest steam peeler enables processors to reduce the energy consumed in the process to levels not seen in the industry before.

“Tomra’s mission to lead the resource revolution, through innovative solutions for optimizing our world’s resources is at the core of what we do,” he continues. “Our commitment to delivering the best user experience and the highest-performance products has brought us to this industry-leading position. This innovative steam peeler is another example of how we put our values into practice.”

For more information on steam peeling with Tomra Sorting Food, visit