Universities Partner on Potato Storage Project

Published online: May 04, 2017 New Products, Potato Storage
Viewed 3603 time(s)

A partnership involving Idaho State University and Boise State University has been awarded an Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM) grant. The funds are awarded to Idaho research universities to partner with industry leaders on projects that could lead to commercialization.

The $413,681 grant will focus on the development of an integrated miniaturized air scrubber and wireless distributed sensor network. The network would monitor and control the environment for stored potatoes. 

As its part of the project, ISU will work with Isaacs Hydropermutation Technologies (IHT) to develop a miniaturized prototype of its Humigator machine. The Humigator humidifies the air, preventing potato shrinkage, while also scrubbing the storage environment of airborne pathogens.

BSU will work on creating a sensor system that can identify “hot spots” created by the presence of pathogens.

The IGEM Council oversees distribution of funds, including $950,000 in funds appropriated by the Idaho Legislature.


Source: Local News 8 Idaho Falls