Insurance a Big Part of Irrigation Management

Published online: Aug 16, 2017 Articles, Irrigation
Viewed 2796 time(s)

It’s that time of year again, when the weather prompts us to ask ourselves, “Am I covered?” When choosing an insurance provider for center pivot and linear irrigation coverage, it’s important to pick a company that knows and understands the irrigation business. Here are a few items to consider when reviewing your policy:

  1. How much coverage do you have? Many insurance policies will depreciate your machine at the time of a loss, leaving you to pay half or more for a new system. This can be costly, and it’s important to know if you have replacement cost coverage.
  2. What is covered on your system? Review your policy with your agent and discuss exactly what is covered. Don’t wait until you have a claim to figure out if you are covered properly.
  3. Does your insurance company understand your business? Insurance claims always seem to happen at the most inopportune time, like in the heart of irrigation season. Make sure you’re working with a company that understands that time is important. Many companies will send an adjustor that is only experienced with roofs and cars, not irrigation machines.

Taking the time to evaluate your current insurance policy is more than good irrigation management, it’s protecting your investment. Ask the right questions to ensure there are no surprises if disaster were to strike.


Source: Valley Irrigation