Potatoes USA Offers New School Foodservice Materials

Published online: Aug 01, 2017 Articles
Viewed 2509 time(s)

To help school foodservice operators serve potatoes at breakfast, lunch and beyond, Potatoes USA has developed a wealth of new assets and training materials. Following is a taste of the new assets available for operators and industry members alike:

  • “Potatoes Raise the Bar” Brochure: This brochure ighlights potato research as it relates to children, potato products available for school use, potato nutrition information, and school lunch recipes.
  • “Potatoes Raise the Bar at Breakfast” Brochure: This details how potatoes fit within the National School Breakfast Program, with five new recipes developed by Chef Garrett Berdan. Over 90,000 schools/institutions serve school breakfasts to 14.6 million students each day. Based on a March 2017 report from FlavorTrak, potato category incidence for breakfast increased from 17 percent in spring 2015 to 24 percent in fall 2016.
  • “Potatoes and the After-school Snack Program” Insert: This piece gives operators the tools they need to serve potatoes within after-school programs. Through the National School Lunch Program, nearly 26,000 schools and institutions serve healthy snacks to children participating in after-school activities.
  • “Potatoes Raise the Bar” Video Series: This four-part educational video series explores the potato industry and how potatoes perform for schools. The videos are approved by the School Nutrition Association (SNA) for one continuing education unit (CEU). Operators are now required to earn CEUs every year.
  • “Potatoes: From Seeds to Your School Cafeteria” Webinar: This one-hour webinar recording features Berdan and Potatoes USA global marketing manager Rachael Lynch as they explore the potato’s journey from seed to school cafeterias. The webinar is also approved by SNA for one CEU. More than 200 school foodservice professionals watched this presentation in its first week, with rave reviews. “Best webinar I have seen, kept my attention throughout the whole time,” commented one attendee.
  • “9 Exciting and Kid-Friendly Dishes for Your School Cafeteria” Recipes: This easy-to-read recipe sheet highlights the concepts Garrett explored in the “Potatoes Raise the Bar” video series.

These resources and more are available at Potatoes Raise The Bar.


Source: Perishable News